Locura de mi alma, soberbia de mi vida

¿Sólo ésto es lo que somos?

¿Sólo ésto es lo que somos?
¡No para mi!
¡¡Somos ADN, sí, pero somos una organización genética distinta, un conjunto de moléculas en un órden específico y medida para poder ser nosotros, un contexto, un ambiente, una armonía, una vida!!

Somos parecidos pero con una diferencia infinitesimal entre cada humano de 2^8000 y luego a contar las demás especies...
Estas diferencias son tan hermosas... por eso estudio Biología y escribo Poesía.

Las bases científicas de lo que arriba afirmo, las pondré en una entrada posteriormente.

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Un futuro cruel

I thought the arrival of the Blue-men would return my freedom and improve the things that have happened. However, I can see from my prison truly horrible events against people who only want what I do: freedom.

I'm Alex, I was born in Yucatania, the most beautiful and dominant country of the Caribbean Sea, since I was born I remember that there never has been a peaceful country, all the time we are vigilant to possible terrorist acts of fanatics who commit horrific crimes “in claim for justice” like they say; our borders are constantly threatened by enemy lines who not represent some obstacle to our military effort, but represent severe economic damage by their constant attacks.

Still, we are a nation proud of taking care of nature, thousands of tourists come to stay at the most luxurious hotels in the world in the most beautiful sea in the world, the Caribbean Sea. In addition we are always expanding our borders to take care of nature, despite the terrorist attacks of these wild people: Mexicans.

I was on the suburban train the day I was made prisoner of the savages, a sound was heard, all trembled and then, a cloud of smoke that irritates the throat and could not breathe, a man wake me up, we were about sixty people in the middle of the jungle, surrounded by hooded foes all the time pointing their guns. So were about a week after the younger separated and made us walk through the jungle for many days, we stopped to rest on primitive towns and I felt really disgusted with these people.

One day we went to a compartment of a train and woke up here in my prison.
I knew from before my kidnap that the UN would send the Blue-men to Mexico to stop terrorist attacks in my country. I suspect I'm far from home, perhaps in the capital of Mexico, already twelve days ago that came to this place the Blue-men, since, my captors have reduced my portions of food to one, I think they are afraid of being discovered.

Yesterday I awoke to the sound of gunfire, I peeked through a crack and saw savage civilians running  in terror, after that, the Blue-man laughing.

Today I asked my captors why they were holding me and when they will free me. One of them understood the language and served as interpreter between the boss and me, said they thought change me for money, but the arrival of Blue-men difficult many things, when I asked why were terrorists, said it was the only way to liberate their homeland from foreign despotism dominance.

Thirty years ago Mexico was a nation less poor than it is now and Yucatania was part of Mexico, its economy was declining, and the end of oil began a civil war, which served as a pretext for other nations who would soon invade and dismember the weakened country. The rich international companies of the time took the control over resource-rich area and named their own country. Still, the Mexicans exist, but not by much, the Blue-men came to enslave every piece of them.

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